Sure thing Evita and Turnbull Tahoe shooting - it was over for Kay [Abortion - it was over for Michael]

Both Michael and Kay were delusional about “legitimacy” but Michael was at least trying
If organized crime could wash their blood money clean, become “legitimate” let alone in five years RICO would probably be out of business!

Kay was blind and part of the same hypocrisy
Kay knew what Michael's business was, knew her rich, privileged life was funded by tainted money, from other criminal [and perhaps innocent] people's murder, misery and blood

Whilst “the Tahoe shooting--the direct threat to her, her children and her home--pushed her over the edge” Kay used the abortion for her escape leaving their young children in the unholy and evil Sicilian thing, with the father who is blind to everything other than business

I believe as a mother Kay should have at least tried, taken up the second chance Michael offered and tried to salvage the situation for the sake of their children