Five Families I feel will be around for as long as I live; it will still take some time for their recruitment pool to be completely diminished and they've been rebuilding and restructuring for the past few years

New Jersey and Philly I can see falling more and more under the influence of the Five Families; their recruitment pool is still ample but for some reason I can see local hoods getting inducted into one the Five Families so as far as a NJ or Philly "family"...dunno for how long they'll still be around...

New England I can see sticking around for a long time. Recruitment pool is sizable enough and they as well seem to have been restructuring and rebuilding.

Chicago will still be around for quite a while as well. They will never become as influential as they once were anymore, but I got a gut feeling there'll always be Chicago Outfit around in some shape or form.

Detroit is basically a blood family nowadays. They'll never be large scale presence in the city (this is African American drug gang turf) but some localized organized crime in the suburbs compared to the "Chaldean mob"...yeah they'll still be around for a while...

Buffalo...dunno...I think this will become more of an Ontario Ndrangheta playfield when it comes to Italian organized crime, but I could be mistaken of course.

Others that are dead and buried will stay dead and buried.