Here is one thing to consider, Joe Todaro Jr, has spent considerable amount of resources building his image up in the media as a straight laced, hard working businessman, who the feds and the media are blaming him for the sins of his father.

We see that the Buffalo LCN or whoever is left has a way of corrupting local and federal L.E.

What I mean by that is that you the DEA agent that was recently indicted however, we also see in Hamilton, there are recent cases of a few L.E. officers actually indicted and a bunch more accused of being on the take.

To help foster the squeaky clean businessman image insulation from the crimes on the street would be very helpful.

Somewhere along the line, the decision was made NOT to induct, the sons, nephews and cousins etc.. (Let them be involved with the rackets however, NO BUTTON).

One of the things we have seen in Buffalo, is traditional LCN, rackets, with people that were associates of the LCN, family or their relatives however, no direct tie. (INSULATION)
I.E. in some pretty big construction and/or union projects.

When the indictment hits there is NO direct tie to the LCN, family, that is the guys that are put out front to take the hit are one or two layers removed from the LCN.

Take a look at the Gambino's and the Campos, case you have a typical kick back scheme for work being awarded to companies paying kick-backs, this happens every day in the construction industry however, if you are LCN, this ends up being a racketeering case.

The difference is these companies are owned/controlled by members of the Gambino family.

Most of you know once you tie R.I.C.O. to these cases a couple of things happen:

1) The prison sentences go way up. (Easier to get people to flip)
2) To convict on a R.I.C.O. case you only need preponderance of evidence, which is way EASIER than beyond a reasonable doubt. (Easier to convict a trial)
3) R.I.C.O. extends the statue of limitations.

Its just a smarted way of doing things with layers of insulation.

Nickel, knows the Buffalo, cases I am referring to and could probably post the links.

So what I am saying is that some of this could be by design.

It could be the elders looking out for their kin, just adapting to the new world we live in, the world has changed in so many ways since Luciano, put this together, so for these guys to survive they need to change with the times and for the ones that do NOT, they surely will be extinct.

Look at Jack Tocco, from Detroit he was one of the longest sitting LCN, bosses he spent I think a year in jail died at 87, of natural causes surrounded by family.
He too cultivated the businessman image, he too had political protection.