Originally Posted by CabriniGreen
I'll also say this... I respect what the Bonnanos did.

You dont recognize us? Okay, I'll bet you respect these fuckin guns....

Because not recognizing the boss reflects on ALL if them. If they respect Mancuso, then they respect HIS guys under him. If they feel like they ain't gotta respect the boss, why respect a soldier? Or capo? Well, I bet they felt them in the street after THAT day....

It might have been out of line, but what the hell was Madonna thinking? What happens if Barney and Cali ( when he was still alive) decides Amuso should be out? What if they decide for the future of LCN they need active bosses on the streets? New connections to Italy and other crime syndicates, so as to be more flexible, how can they help with any of that inside?

I can't disagree with your thinking here - but I would think there would be a better way to strike out without putting yourself in such a precarious position. In the end, only Bonanno blood was shed, so it obviously wasn't a very good strategy. When I use Barney as an example you got to figure he wouldn't go off half cocked like that...he'd come up with a far craftier way to put the squeeze to the Lukes.

Why Madonna would make a remark that leads to all the bullshit in the first place is indeed a mystery, but I guess there is a degree to which these things just happen...