Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari
It was actually an old Genovese soldier in Greco's crew that brought Sonny Red around after WW2. Weather he was on record or not during that time is unknown. He had been friends with neighborhood guys that eventually were made into the Bonanno, Profaci, Gambino, and Genovese crime families. In the 1950s he was more around Colombo guys, and NYMafia, is right to say Joe Yacovelli took a liking to Sonny Red. Sonny goes to prison, gets out during the Bonanno war, and is now with Nick Marangello crew in the Bonannos. A lot of tension between both Sonnys as they were associates in the same crew. If it was Cannone that brought Sonny Red into the Bonannos, why be placed in a different crew, and why did Cannone agree to the triple murder instead of protecting his protege?

I said I just assumed it was Cannone who brought him under the Bonanno Family. Could have been Nicky Glasses just as well although I have never come across who actually brought him into their fold or who put him on record first. I know Pinto was more aligned with the Genovese family. The part you said about why would Cannone agree to their hits if he brought them in is irrelevant. Joey Massino was under Phil Lucky at one point. That's like asking why Massino would sign off on the 3 hits. Nicky Glasses was UB before the shakeup. Nicky could have brought him into the Bonanno a but I doubt Red was with him direct.