Originally Posted by fergie
I’m never quite convinced with the point about nobody going after rats these days. Yes, I can imagine it wouldn’t come from the top, but they’ve made enough enemies and created enough danger for themselves that there is a definite risk, and not just from somebody trying to make a name for themselves.

Look at the reasonably recent Mikey Scars doc with Trevor Macdonald...they drove up Mulberry Street and was it not Froggy Galione just out of prison he saw at a pavement cafe and the tension rose? He confirmed to the interviewer in the car there would have been serious problems if he had been identified....

Fergie I tried posting a response to this and a stroy and I dont know where the post went, LOL...
If this is s a duplicate I am sorry.

Take a look at one of the most recent cases to where the Gambino's went after Sammy, the end result was Peter Gotti got what 20+ years and is lucky if he ever gets out of prison alive, and Huck Corabono died in jail.

These guys whoever is left more or less wants to make money and stay under the radar.

James Froggy Galione, is a real tuff guy and is couple of cards short of a full deck, so Scars, should have been stressed out, and went the other way.

Many years ago we were hanging out a park in Bensonhurst that we hung out at almost every night, the same spot where Gus Farace was killed, there was a bunch of us and a girl passed by she was by herself, and one of the knuckle heads wew were with says something to this girl, She comes back with her boyfriend he pulls out a Gun, was a 32 or 38 Caliber, Froggy was there we all start walking away from this guy with gun, which is what you should be doing if you value your life, Froggy walks up to guy, stone face, cool as a cucumber, calm and collective, the guy puts the gun barrell right in Froggys chest, Froggy takes two fingers and pushes the barrell away, at the same time keeping his cool, like nothing is happening, this goes on for 3 or 4 times, he just kept slowly and calmly pushing the barrel of the gun away from his chest, while he was talking to the guy, the guy ended up putting the gun back in his waste band, he knew someone that was connected and whatever, so nothing came out of the situation.

Usually this story ends up a different way, with someone in a body bag and/or someone going to jail, or both...

Froggy was a stone cold gangster.

There is a big difference between going out and looking for guys who flipped and just happening to cross their paths....