Whenever I post something for the enjoyment of our members lately, I notice that this malcontent almost immediately starts in with his nasty, vile comments. We try and take the high road and interact with this little scumbag in a gentlemanly way, but one quickly realizes that thats not what he's after. He seems to be screaming out and craving attention.

Any attempt to interact intelligently with this troublemaking weasel is a total waste of time as well. Because he is nothing but a jerk-off who seeks nothing more than to try and ruin threads and off-track interesting and extremely informative articles that he knows other forum members are enjoying.
He knows nothing about organized crime in general, and even less about the Italian Mafia in particular. He realizes that fact "clear as a bell" and it fucking kills him. Why you ask? Because "empty suits" like him hate anybody who can put out quality work as I do and may get complimented for it.

He'd love nothing more than to be "The Other Guy." But alas he is not, nor could an imbecile like this ever be. The reason he could never be "The Other Guy," or anybody else who produces quality work is because "Little Ralphie" has no talent! .......and nobody knows it better than Little Ralphie!

He knows it better than anybody. And it just kills him to see anybody else (especially me) receive the kudos that he'd die for! Hahahahaha!....... He's a bad joke!

This man....in fact, I take that back. This ignorant snot-nosed punk is nothing more than a big "zero," and shit under my shoe.

Because of his clear inability to write any article of value (and judging from the way he does scribble, I'm not even sure he has the smarts to put 2 cohesive sentences together at all) LOL, or contribute anything at all positive to the forum or life in general, he finds it necessary to insult others to try and validate his own sad existence.

Could it be that maybe our Little Ralphie needs to get laid? I don't doubt it for one second. He is obviously an extremely frustrated little worm of a man who needs validation and acceptance but can't get it anywhere. So he lashes out at those who he perceives to be what he wishes he was. ........... If you think about it, its sad really!

But it's a story as old as mankind and time itself.

I personally consider ignoramuses like this to be shit on the heel of my shoes that needs to be kicked off. I wouldn't even bother pissing on a jerk-off like this if he was on fire!

Normally I would take pity on such a shell of a man like this. But his ugly mouth and insults don't even allow for my charity.
PS: I do apologize to all of our forum members for even responding to this imbecile, but I thought it was high time that somebody kicked this guy in his fa***t ass and knocked him back down to size. Which of course is about the height of a worm! Lol

On a nicer note, I encourage everybody to read this opinion piece of mine and give me feedback on your thoughts about it. I am curious to see how others feel about the current state of the Mafia in this country.
PS: Watch what this idiot's ignorant response to what I've written will be. Guaranteed it will be some short, weak quip thinking that he's been "witty." But trust me when I tell you folks, that regardless of whatever "comeback" response he "attempts," my sharp (and oh so accurate) words have cut him in half!

After all is said and done, regardless of whatever he says, When" Little Ralphie the Basket Case" looks at himself in the mirror and sees his reflection, he's gonna wanna throw himself off a bridge because in his heart of hearts he damn well knows that every single word I've written about him is completely true!

The cats out of the bag you little worm! LOL

Why don't you go get yourself a life you fucking creep!

Last edited by NYMafia; 01/02/21 12:43 AM.