Originally Posted by Jimmy_Two_Times
So it’s the oath thing... lots of people don’t honor their oaths ranging from public servants, military members, national level politicians, married people, and anyone who made a “blood oath” to a friend when they were kids! We are a messy society indeed! Egads!

I 1000% agree with your assessment. An "oath" is an oath, regardless of what it's to.

Public servants, Military, National level politicians, married folks, comrades in arms, etc., etc., etc.......... Regardless of what you raised you right hand to or what bible you swore it on, to then "betray" that oath (regardless of what it was), and throw others under the bus to save your own ass is (for me) the telltale mark of a punk, and a weasel. Its NEVER a good look on somebody.

Even as children in the classroom or the schoolyard. You know "that kid", the one who'd go "tattle tailing" to the teacher or principal on the other children. He was looked at as a leper and viewed with destain by the other kids.

It's the same sort of thing in larger adult life. Once you sign up for something see it through. And in the particular situation of the underworld. If you have a change of heart and wanna walk away from the life (understandably), do so with your chin up and honor intact.

NOT by becoming a rat, informer, stool pigeon, turncoat, Benedict Arnold against your former friends who you rubbed shoulders with and who counted on you. Its just not nice, or an "Honorable" thing to do!

I HATE RATS!.... in any way, shape, or form! Its just how I was raised.