I kind of had similar experiences growing up. I never had dyslexia or anything like that, but I was constantly picked on and ridiculed in elementary and into junior high school, when I got bigger and stronger and could fight better my life got easier. But the damage was done to my self confidence.

Originally Posted by Lenox
In a way, a part of me feels bad for the guy. He mentions he had dyslexia and was teased and made fun of as a kid. I can relate to that on a personal level . When you have an issue that you cant change such as dyslexia or something else that is related to any kind of learning disability, it can have an indelible affect on you. When you are a young child and teased and rejected, you cant rationalize. I was also left back and it can have a huge impact later in life, it certainly did for me. Everyone gets teased or faces rejection at one time or another but when its almost constant and you are singled out and humiliated, its a recipe for disaster, especially when its due to a disability. I hid it well but had a horrible time in school, especially high school. I came across as very normal but i was an absolute mess on the inside. Not to make excuses but thats a major reason i turned to crime, it was something i thought I was good at and it gave me instant gratification, almost a high. It also gave me some semblence of self worth. Im totally changed and legit now but i still have issues relating to people and also have a tough time feeling as if i belong, its a fucked up feeling. Thats why its so important to identify social issues or any other issues a child may have early on and intervene immediately. When I was young teachers and schools would just let you fall through the cracks. I sometimes look back and almost feel as if i was robbed of a childhood in a way. That said, i had great parents and came from a working class family. In a way, that experience gave me a big chip on my shoulder and i now use it to my advantage, i am very successful and did it all on my own. Having a great father helped despite putting both my parents through the ringer with my arrests. I was also a big steroid user by the way.
Sorry for the rant but his video where he desribed his dyslexia and being left back in school really struck a chord.
As they say, life goes on with or without you.