My feelings on the subject is that regardless of what "team" you might play for. When you take an oath, good, bad, or indifferent, be a man - "Uomo" and live up to your oath.

Love em or hate em, wiseguys have a doctrine that they are supposed to live by. When you commit to something in life, see it through. Don't "weasel" out of your responsibilities as soon as your shoelaces get tightened.

I view it the same as an FBI agent. You take an oath to uphold the law. Don't then backdoor your agency and sell out your badge and honor for the few dollars of a bribe, or for another self-serving reason. It would be the same as someone in government or public office, or a member of the armed services. Honor the oath you took!

And believe it or not even FBI agents are generally repulsed by "rats" and whistle blowers. They may use the information they glean from such people. But they generally don't view them with respect.

Thats why you'll often hear agents even begrudgingly compliment a mafioso who takes it on the chin and goes to jail for a long period of time without ratting on his compatriots. There is something "Honorable" about that.

It's basically "Un-American" to be a backstabber or turncoat. But too many guys throw in the towel to save their own asses off the backs of their friends. Not nice!