Originally Posted by majicrat
I ALWAYS stay out of the petty key board arguments and comments by the same key board tough guys who know it all. But I have to say this out of the blue attack on NYMafia was really (In my opinion) unjust and probably intended to just get a rise out him and fans/supporters (I am a fan of his articles). NYMafia just ignore the ignorant attacks. This is a Organized Crime board, his attack was personal and had nothing to do with OC so why even bother responding. Keep posting NYMafia if anyone has anything to say about your information that's fair game, your motives can be what ever they are. Its not up to anyone but the board hosts to determine if the motives are nefarious or not (I just wanted to use the word nefarious for once!)

Thank you Majicrat, I agree with your assessment. These type of people are born troublemakers, and just punks who should be ignored.