Originally Posted by BensonHURST
NY Mafia I hope you had a Merry X-Mas

Thank YOU, for all the hard work you put into all of the bio's/website content etc.


Thank you Bensonhursat. And the Merriest of Christmases to you and your family as well! God bless! I love this time of year. Its definitely not the same anymore like in years past when my whole family was still around; grandparents, my mom and dad, uncles, aunts, cousins, siblings, extended family, etc. We used to have a very traditional Italian style Xmas. 25-30 people was the norm for Christmas Eve. Lol, crazy nice. Then neighborhood friends would stop by to say hello also.... truly priceless memories.

We would start at like 6pm or so, and go till 4-5am the next morning. The "Feast of the Seven Fish" before midnight, and then sausage and peppers, lasagna, various meats, cheeses, "Cosa dolce" such as Cassata cake, cannoli, pignolata, etc, and expresso, etc etc.....playing cards together till the wee hours of the morning. Homemade vino, anisette, sambuca, and other Italian cordials. the whole nine yards.

Mountains of presents lining the wall to the ceiling practically. It used to take like 2 hours or so for everybody to open their gifts. Lol

Then the next day? Christmas Day? Lol.... It would start all over again. I don't know how my grandmother, mom and aunts handled it all. But they did. Every single year for decades too. Wow!!

My wife and I have tried our best to keep those traditions going for our children, nieces and nephews. But the large family had is not the same as it was. So many loved ones have passed away.

So yes, Christmas time is a very magical time of the year for us. And I'm sure for you, and others who celebrate as well.
On another note, I wanna say THANK YOU for that nice compliment, and your good wishes toward me and mine. It is extremely refreshing for my partner Lisa and I to receive kind words regarding our work. It is always appreciated (believe me).

As they say, it is nice to be nice. To be able to give a compliment means that you are secure in yourself in who you are. The fact that you can extend good wishes and congratulatory words to another person shows that you've got a lot of class. So thank you! You have "true" Christmas spirit.

We've got a lot more stories, bios, and podcasts coming out real soon. I hope you enjoy them. In fact Lisa is putting the finishing touches on a podcast of ours that is based on a biography I wrote about Joseph (Joe Scootch) Indelicato. He was a dyed-in-the-wool Gambino soldier who migrated to South Florida years back. I think you'll get a kick out of it.

Check out Genovese capo Ciro Perrone's podcast in the meantime ok pal? TTYS

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/26/20 09:10 PM.