Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto

Originally Posted by NYMafia

Lol.... there is NO Denver mob. In its heyday they were but a wist of a "crew" by comparison to the more solid borgatas across the country. In 2020?, they are not even a thing. There will always be crime, and guys who break the law. People like to gamble, etc., so there will always be fellas to book a be, etct. But a structured mob? No way!

And for your information, Kenji Gallo is hardly a credible source. He was, and is, a blowhard. An Asian/American no less who was a half a drug dealer, independent schemer, porno movie hanger around. etc etc......and a born double-dealing, lying rat. In truth he was a half a pimp!

He was NOT a "wiseguy" or even a solid "knockaround guy." Probably his biggest claim to fame (if thats what you wanna call it) was the fact that he had absolutely no morals at all. Zero. Even though he was breaking the law himself, he deemed it good to be a straight out "Rodent," an informer. He's lucky he lived in LA., because if they could have reached for him, guys in NYC would have hurt him. But it's not the "old days" and he got away with it. Like so many stool pigeons nowadays.

Thats what he deserved. So I wouldn't even mention his name, because 90% that comes out of his mouth is all self-serving BS. (just like most informants). He makes himself out to be the smartest guy in the world. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

You're wrong about Denver, but right about Kenji. He's a piece of shit and a liar, but he wasn't lying about Denver. It's not a big family by any means, but they do have structure and they have wealth. Much of what they're doing is legitimate, so LE isn't too concerned about them. But to say they're not there is inaccurate.

Truth be told I'm not all that familiar with Denver, so it is possible that there is a small contingent of what we'd call "organized" criminals. Maybe even Italian-based organized criminals. Remnants of what at one time was considered "mafia" connected.

But I "def" do not think that there is a "Family" structure out there. Or even a full sized "regime" as you and I would describe it. Individuals who may come from elsewhere and operate there. Yes, maybe. Do they know "people" or could they "reach" out for somebody? Possibly.

But all in all, I seriously doubt a solid structure Ralphie.... Bookmakers?, card game operators?, drug guys?, shylocks? Yes, I'd say there certainly should be something. After all, Denver is a major city out that way right?

And yes, we agree, Kenji was/is a blowhard.