Originally Posted by TonyBombassolo
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Originally Posted by TonyBombassolo
I dont even follow Franzese but I respect a guy who tells the truth a fuck lot more than murdering rapist pieces of shit that some of you think is worth glorifying because they didnt rat.

all of these people are reprehensible individuals

only those who have seen the error of their ways and are trying to atone are in any way worthy of any level of respect

But yet here you are defending a guy you don't even "follow"....so how would know what he says and doesn't say and whether it's fact or fiction? -- Lisa B

Not defending him, calling you out for thinking telling the truth is somehow worse than killing and raping.

FOH with that...you and "the other guy"

So you are talking to me, Mr. Internet tough-guy. The only thing more cowardly that whiskey muscles are internet muscles. Assuredly you're Franzese's little bitch, yuck! Now go back to lovin' up to your Master. Don't bother to respond as I don't get in pissin' contests with skunks. Merry Christmas ;-)

"Never walk in a room that you don't know how to get out of"- Henry Zottola