Originally Posted by TonyBombassolo
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Big loss to Planet Earth. Lol

nothing like running your mouth about a guy you never met, after he died, the same guy who would have knocked your fucking teeth out if you had the stones to say it to his face

same mafia guys you spend how much time and effort talking about? if we were in the bar I'd check your fuckin privelege and I bet you'd put your notebook away and crawl back to your house

Tony the Bomb, First of all I'm not "running my mouth" as you so rawly put it, I'm stating a fact! Casso was a compete piece of shit! There are wise guys, and then there are wiseguys. Some are decent, some not so much. Some are killers. Some not so much. But Casso was a next level scumbag who killed with little provocation.

He was a psychotic, ego-maniac, wanton killer of the first order. A nut job! ... He was NOT a level headed guy. NOT a fella who only "did what he had to do" and kill as a last resort. But actually took glee in killing. He looked forward to it. He longed for it. He killed enemies, friends and family alike. Zero remorse, zero hesitation.

Here was a guy who held nothing dear to him. He "admits" to 36 murders, of enemies and buddies alike. And the feds think he actually had a few more notches that he never admitted to.
Thats "serial killer" shit by anyones standards. Even the Mafia!

I have written about tons of racketeers and mob guys. Many of them I knew on a very personal basis. I actually never got to meet Casso (although I came close on one occasion between us). I'm very glad that I never did meet him.... as I said NO loss to the planet earth. And most wiseguys who "really" knew him say the same exact thing.

And remember one more thing I'm gonna tell ya. Without a gun or knife in his hand Casso was not so tough. His strength came from the end of a gun, and his absolute disregard for human life. Any life! He was a very dangerous guy because he was a psychotic fuck. End of story. So he's definitely not someone I look up to, or think was a "great" wiseguy.

There are plenty of fellas who I think had admirable redeeming qualities, but he's not one of them.

And let's face it, Casso became a stone rat!!! It took him about 2 seconds (if that) to turn rodent! So in my book?? LOL..... NO he's not a tough guy, or even a wiseguy. He's a fucking psychotic, double-banking, rat cocksucker, who I'm glad they tore up his agreement and let him rot. He was a degenerate of the first order! Many wiseguys hated him.

In fact go ask Amuso what he thinks of his former partner in crime. Go see what Vic has to say.

PS: By the way, Casso was NOT on a level of a Corallo, Santoro, Migliore, etc. Not even close. And these people had no love for him.

And I don't typically talk like that about guys in the can. Its a place I wouldn't wanna even see an enemy have to go to. But in Casso's case I'll make an exception!

While I'm at it I might as well mention one more thing. IMO (and that of many wiseguys), Although a solid guy, Amuso was the wrong choice for boss. He was mostly led by the nose by Casso, who manipulated Vic like crazy. In a mere 5 years as boss and underboss, those two absolutely destroyed what had been one of the most cohesive borgatas in history.

All they did was rob guys, kill innocent guys (and their family members), take what wasn't theirs to take, and created an avalanche of rats who "turned" for no other reason but to save themselves from two nut jobs. They literally destroyed that family. And the Lucchese's never rebounded from their destruction. Chiodo, Accetturo Sr., D'Arco, Defede, and so many others, were all solid guys who turned rat because of Casso.

Nah, he was a complete jerk off.

Last edited by NYMafia; 12/17/20 10:06 AM.