Originally Posted by helenwheels

There have also been forensic audits, in multiple states. To claim that there haven't is disingenuous. These are easily checkable facts.

The claims made by witnesses, and Trump's lawyers in sham hearings don't line up with the claims made in court, where it counts. There's an obvious reason for that.

There has not been a forensic audit of mailed-in ballots. Simply because there is no way to know which ballot came from which envelope where the signature can be matched with the actual owner. Some places the envelopes are even destroyed. The rate that mailed-in ballots were discarded in last elections compared to this election is a joke again. It's the decision of the judge to either keep the result of the mailed-in ballots or discard them altogether. And they went for the former, not that there was no fraud. Like Georgia, the governor says he likes it to be an audit of these ballots, but doesn't actually order it! And these are facts.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones