December 3, 1978 – Prato and Naples’ lieutenant Charles (Spider) Gresham is shot to death outside his apartment building getting out of his car after a late-night shift bartending at the My Place Lounge by a sniper’s rifle. Gresham and his partner-in-crime James (Peeps) Cononico were empowered by Little Joey Naples to take over mob rackets in working-class Warren, Ohio in the wake of the sudden death of Cleveland mafia consigliere Anthony (Tony Dope) Delsanter, the crime family’s rep in the Mahoning Valley, via a heart attack in August 1977.

January 11, 1979 – Prato and Naples’ lieutenant James (Peeps) Cononico, Little Joey’s bodyguard and Gresham’s running buddy, is shot and killed in parking lot of his halfway house as he returned to check back in for the evening

Wasn't a third guy killed along with these two? I could be wrong but wasn't it the Cleveland family who killed them? For trying to take over the gambling? From what I understand, a fourth guy was spared because he was the bank.