Originally Posted by afsaneh77
Originally Posted by XDCX
Do I think that racists are drawn to Trump's hate-filled rhetoric? Yes i do. Because there can be no mistake about it, Donald Trump is a racist, bigoted, egotistical, self-centered, just all around sorry excuse of a human being. And I predict he will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in the history of this nation. But I will also concede that his legacy will probably be based more on his personality than anything he actually accomplished while in office. Which wasn't very much anyway.

Sorry, I rambled a bit. I respect your views, even if I don't agree with them.

Okay, again, I've to ask, as you say, the burden of proof falls on the accuser. How is Trump racist? Because media tells you nonstop?

This is what media doesn't show you:
And this:

And he has plenty of legacy that media doesn't tell you. Like peace in the Middle East. Something Kerry said wouldn't happen until you solve Israeli-Palestanian conflict. This is just sad.

Don't forget, he told the American people to inject themselves with bleach lol