Originally Posted by XDCX
I don't recall saying or implying that you are racist, Irish. You've neither said nor done anything to ever make me make that assumption. I do believe ralphie is racist based on his previous posts.

Could there have been fraud? Sure there could have been. But the burden of proof lies with the accuser. And thus far, there has been no proof or evidence of any widespread voter fraud. None. Whatsoever.

I have no party affiliation. I am disgusted by both the DNC and the GOP, and therefore refuse to affiliate myself with either party.

But regarding racism and Trump supporters: do I believe that all Trump supporters are racist? Of course not. Do I think that racists are drawn to Trump's hate-filled rhetoric? Yes i do. Because there can be no mistake about it, Donald Trump is a racist, bigoted, egotistical, self-centered, just all around sorry excuse of a human being. And I predict he will go down in history as one of the worst presidents in the history of this nation. But I will also concede that his legacy will probably be based more on his personality than anything he actually accomplished while in office. Which wasn't very much anyway.

Sorry, I rambled a bit. I respect your views, even if I don't agree with them.

My apologies, I misquoted you: you did not accuse me of being a racist but a cult follower simply because I voted for and support Trump. I'm not a cult follower. I was never political before 2016 and I've bit my tongue for the past 3 years while I've had friends, the media, and the left do nothing but railroad this President. I know that by engaging in these conversations, I'm not changing anyone's mind (please note, you're not changing mine either). But I have found my voice, I will speak up, and I will support my President. In saying that, don't get it twisted and believe what the media would have you believe: that if you voted for Donald Trump you automatically agree with every single word that comes out of his mouth, every piece of legislation that has come across his desk, every policy he's enforced, etc. No, I'm a free thinker and I believe Trump was a better President than Hillary would have been (or Biden for that matter). But I can call him out just the same and not agree with everything the man says. And I'm glad you said not all Trump supporters are racist because we aren't. Yes, racists are attracted to him. Do I wish he was more outspoken about that? Of course, nobody likes racist! But also please keep in mind, I didn't vote for Trump because he's a "nice guy." This isn't a popularity contest. I want someone who will do the job, put the American people first, stand up to our enemies, and make this country great again. In his 4 years in office, with the amount of lies, deceits, distractions, media interference, all things considered: I think he did a great job and as of now, is probably the best President during my lifetime. I respect your views as well as I've always said, everyone has a right to their opinion. Mine's no more right than yours and vice versa.