X and Lilo, nice to have some sanity here.

If Ralphie is such a good Christian man who adores Donald Trump, why would you refer to him as Jesus Christ? What's the first commandment? That you cannot honor false gods. How does a man with five children from three different wives, who pays off porn stars, how does he appeal to Evangelicals? I'm not saying he's the only man who has ever cheated, or the only one who has ever done it in the White House. There is plenty of proof to the contrary. But how does he appeal to the conservatives with a past like that??

How do you equate a good man with one who openly mocks the disabled? Whose family is forbidden from participating in charities because they stole from children with cancer and veterans? Who mocked President Obama for playing golf, saying he would be too busy as president, yet has literally played a year's worth of days? And on top of that, plays at his own clubs so that the secret service and his staff pay Trump properties for thousands of your tax dollars, millions over the last four years? Who, after years, still won't release his tax returns? Who started the racist birther rumors about President Obama? You think he did well on the economy? Look at the national debt!! It has skyrocketed under his administration! Don't confuse the economy and the Dow. They are two different things. And what kind of father is he? He's completely inappropriate about Ivanka, in the most nauseating and creepy way possible. What kind of man gets invited to throw out the first ball and doesn't bring his teenage son with him? Are there any photos of him with Barron, aside from getting on and off a plane or helicopter? He's the only Trump I feel bad for. He's a narcissist in the very worst way, perhaps even a sociopath.

And don't even get me started on the First Lady. She entered this country on an Einstein visa, an amazing feat since she dropped out of college. She supposedly speaks several languages, but always needs and uses an interpreter on visits with foreign dignitaries (the president of France and the pope, when she's supposed to be fluent in both French and Italian, for example). Plus the fact that none of her initiatives get past their press conference. She did manage to destroy the Rose Garden. And is she so tone deaf that at a time when millions of Americans are sick, dying, unemployed and on the brink of homelessness, that she touted opening the tennis pavilion?? And let's not forget that this classy gold digger did soft core porn modeling. What a role model! Also, spent millions of taxpayer dollars to stay in NYC at the beginning of his term to renegotiate her prenup.

And do you think he really gives two turds about this election? It's all a money grab. Any donation to his election defense fund that is under $8,000 doesn't even go to that fund. It goes to his PAC, which gives him very liberal use of the money, and to the RNC. When it comes to this man and his actions, always follow the money trail. He's fleecing people who can't afford it.

President Emeritus of the Neal Pulcawer Fan Club