Originally Posted by XDCX
Tell me ralphie, when is it warranted for a white man to say the "n" word? I am genuinely curious.

Hey XDC, long time! My friend, can I play the devil's advocate here? On top of my mind a period drama perhaps? Also a question, is it okay for an African American to say this word? And why do you discriminate based on color? Anyway, I don't know why someone should say it, it's hateful. It brings about discord and animosity between people. Can I ask both of you to take an hour of your time to watch something? And then ask you to put aside these discussions that benefit no one? It's an agenda to make a problem out of nothing, make conflicts and then ruin a nation. Don't play into their agenda. Tolerate, stick to the 1st amendment and stick to what's important. You've got a great country. Don't let them ruin it.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones