Originally Posted by Irishman12
I went out last night to grab a bottle of Red Spot that I heard dropped by me yesterday. I'd been looking for this for at least the last 6 months when I tried Green Spot and thoroughly enjoyed it. I understand Red Spot is a lot more difficult to come by so I jumped at the chance of procurring a bottle for myself. However, before I dispatched on my way towards picking it up, I was pleasantly surprised by a phone call I received. This was from another local store that I hadn't been in for a number of months (think 4-5 at minimum). They called to tell me they had a bottle of Stagg Jr. with my name on it. Not one to argue the absurdity of it all, I quickly got off the phone and grabbed this bottle before acquiring the bottle that was my intention of leaving my domicile in the first place.

Man, you have some collection i12

Have you ever had Red Breast or Middleton?

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.