Originally Posted by OakAsFan
If there's any made guy who earned good money through just bookmaking and legitimate business and never killed anyone, I would like to be him. The only mark on your soul being that you were part of an organization that did much worse things. But the worst thing you did was was take money from gamblers and maybe rough a few people up, not killing them.

I have to agree. For me, I'd prefer to be a guy who engaged in gambling rackets; bookmaking, numbers, dice and card games, slot machines, etc. Maybe a little affiliated shylocking along the way. Basically, the same type stuff that most states have legalized in recent years. Victimless activities for the most part.

But NO violence, murders, beatings, or that heavy strong arm stuff that many get involved with. As you stated above, I think if you're a fella who made big money from that (as so many have done in their lives), bought legitimate businesses and real estate along the way, raised a good family with kids who you had focus on higher education so they can become professionals, college, etc., then you've done very well. The object should be IMO, to elevate your blood family for the future. Give them an education, have them mix with legit society, leave them a bundle to help their lives and that of your future grandchildren, etc.

On review at the end of your life, if you were able to avoid prison, or in the alternative only served a short bid. Made a ton of cash from mostly "vice" type activities like gambling, staying away from drugs and violence, and helped your children and family. Then I think you've succeeded in that world. And you are able to look at yourself in the mirror, as well as, go to your maker with a clean conscience. I do think that is also key component. At least for men who have any sort of heart and conscience.

The more genteel Frank Costello's and Jimmy Nap's of the world usually die in bed with their shoes off. The Carmine Galante's and Vito Genovese's of the world usually die in the street, or behind prison bars.

Last edited by NYMafia; 11/29/20 10:29 AM.