Originally Posted by hoodlum
U know what..now that I deeply reflect on it..I think I remember this news but was in a family crisis @ the time , so I did not comprehend it properly...Fuck me....o jeez..I shared drinks w/ him & crow back in the day as a kid @ Marra's ....I was only 23 @ the time but my pop made sure I did not converse to much w/ these fella's...fuckin' Pat the cat w/ there too..he was always drunk...I used 2 sell mostly womens garments @ Broad & McKean st.....boy , those were the days..

Hoodlum, kinda off topic but a gentleman I'm familiar also sold women's garments in south philly back in the day and was a loan shark until recently as hes now like 94. He goes bu the name "Tony Shoes" Scarpa. Is anybody familiar with him?