ButtonGuys of The New York Mafia is happy to announce and welcome aboard, Mobster Chronicles as the newest member of our ongoing “Friends of BG” series which highlights the LCN research and knowledge of various content providers and guest writers.

We’re proud to announce that Mobster Chronicles and ButtonGuys has recently begun collaborating together on a brand new series of videos and stories about the Detroit underworld, with a specific focus on the storied history of the Joseph Zerilli Family and its key membership.

The New York Mafia is very selective about who we collaborate with. But Mobster Chronicles was a no-brainer for us. They have in-depth knowledge and a unique insight into the inner workings of the “Detroit Partnership.” And we know that our fans are gonna love what’s coming!

We have already produced a video about the life and illustrious career of Zerilli Family member Anthony (Tony Cars) D’Anna that is receiving rave reviews from our collective fans, and we have several additional projects currently under construction ‘in the factory,’ so to speak.

Please check out their YouTube channel at https://www.youtube.com/@mobsterchronicles1771

Last edited by NYMafia; 06/29/23 02:44 AM.