Found this little gem among my things with no attribution. I'm usually not that loose, but this time...I dunno.
By chance, any of y'all remember where, when it first saw light?
My sincere regret for the lapse and regards to the author for a nifty piece of work. clap

Sure, I grew up in a section of Brooklyn where you became a cop, fireman, sanitation worker or a wise guy. I was more afraid of my father then I was of the wise guys so I was able to walk the straight and narrow and became a cop. I used to drink in a bar called the Gemini Lounge, a crew of wise guys used to cut up bodies in the back. Of course we didn’t know that at the time. Google Roy Demeo, the Gemini Twins or Gemini Lounge
Professionally, when I was a young cop, I worked South Brooklyn. The area I worked was full of numbers spots, social clubs and funeral parlors that had no funerals. Over the years of interaction with these types there becomes a mutual understanding. It’s almost necessary in order to do the job. Don’t f&^K with the Police and I won’t sit in front of your numbers spot. In became a game, they at times had to save face in the streets and you had to do the same or you couldn’t do the job. In those days, you had a knock down drag out fight with them or you arrested them. We wouldn’t do both. It was the unwritten law of the street. I’m not saying it was right but it is what it was.

When I was with the Intelligence Division/Organized Crime unit we had the Colombo wars. It was during this time that I was able to talk with many wise guys. Part of the duties was to sit on witnesses etc. I would ask them straight out about whacking dudes. You have to remember, it’s not what you know it’s what you can prove. In order to gain a reputation for being a straight shooter you have to be firm but fair. To listen to a wise guy talk they speak their own language and it goes around in circles so you can get a message w/o them telling you it. You got information and figured out how to get it a more legit way. When you tell a dude it’s off the record, it is. It gives you credibility. In almost every instance in my experience, the reason the victim got clipped was over money or the victim was going to talk. That’s not to say that some didn’t enjoy it. Look up Tommy karate Pitera(sp).

I don't know if I explained myself well, if not, I'll try again.

N..... or no, bastard had balls, shame to kill him...
I got nuthin', I got nuthin...

Coming to bb is like going to the dollar store. You came for one thing, but once in now youse cant leave.