PAUL: I thought that the Commission appointed the representatives.

SM: No sir!

BILL: That's what happened with - what's his name? - with Carlo Gambino. Wasn't it that way?

BILL: No, with Joe Colombo!

SM: No, not as far as we are concerned. Let me explain it to you. We appointed Carlo Gambino provisionally.


SM: Wait a minute! We appointed him provisionally and, then, later the "borgata" made him. Carlo Gambino was made by the "borgata", not by the Commission.

PAUL: But you appointed him provisionally.

SM: Because there was a "pupu sbambato" (untranslatable. It means a "baby in his dotage.") Therefore, the first thing I did was to push (support) Carlo Gambino who was already the "consigliere" (advisor) of the"borgata." Therefore, there was Toto -- (unintelligible) -- Catone -- they consented; they talked to me and that's why Carlo Gambino was appointed. The Commission went along readily in order to keep these people from disbanding. There was Joe - what's his name? - Carlo's underboss -

BILL: Biondo!

SM: Joe Biondo. The others were there and the purpose was to keep them togeher. Once they were kept together, they had an opportunity to elect the boss they wanted. This was the principle - Carlo Gambino was made because he was "consigliere." He was pushed (supported) because he was familiar with everything; he knew the situation. That's what happened. Joe Bruno knew the situation. Joe Riccobono knew the situation and they pushed with their help.

Anastasia was going to kill Joseph Riccobono, Joseph Biondo and Charles Dongarra. Joseph Franko, a captain in this family, and a close friend of Anastasia learned of the plans to kill these three individuals and told them. Consequently, these three individuals plus Andrew Alberti, Joseph Gallo/ from Thirty Fourth Street, between Second and Third Avenues, NYC/ Steve Grammatula and Joe Cahill /not a member of the family, but highly respected/ got together and decided to kill Anastasia. Cahill and Grammatula were given the contract. [...] Riccobono advised Thomas Luchese and Vito Genovese that someone in his family had killed Anastasia. Riccobono requested a meeting be held so he could explain the shooting.