You can get the ray p. FBI files kn he inducts 6 guys in worcester in late 56. The scibelli brothers . Carlo m. Pinky and the other names are blacked out. I'm guessing he does this as a favor for iacone who just died. He inducts them at some social club and releases them all to the genovese family. Basically sam cufuri gets bumped to capo and all the new england soldiers report to him in springfield then. In the ray p files hes caught on wiretap in his office in the 60tys telling guys worcester is all his but out of respect for vito genovese he splits the dice game which was huge and numbers with them 60/40. The guy sam cufuri made some beef and ray tells the guy hes talking to I dont have to give them anything Worcester is mine. He had a few of his on guys there to it gets murky. Gut they worked hand an hand