Mixed opinion.

On the plus side, he did his time quietly. He has rebuilt the family, in so far as he can in today's modern climate. He's sat at the top for a long time, and it's still very much a true mob family as many more recent trials and indictments demonstrate, from Anthony Staino to Anthony Nicodemo. He's got to get some kind of credit for all that.

On the negative side, he craves attention and loves social media. Could you imagine Ducks Corallo posting selfies to Instagram? Or Fat Tony tweeting? This has become more and more the norm I guess but it strikes me as awfully stupid. And by reputation it seemed a lot of the real old school guys like Leonetti didn't think much of him. His past with Natale is painfully embarrassing in hindsight.

I'd give him a mixed grade but I think its clear that like George Anastasia says, if the NY mafia is the major leagues, Philly is triple A at best. Joey's antics would never let him take the reigns of one of the five families - he's not cut from that cloth. Probably a pretty good boss for Philly, by today's (rather lower) standards.