Hey guys do you know that Provenzano,the last capo dei capi lived for years in a shepherd's hut with the only company of a donkey that he called helicopter?

Buscetta a famous womanizer mocked Riina because for the power he fucked only with his wife Ninetta.

Paolo di Lauro when at his peak his clan earned 100- 150 milions euro a years lived as reclusive and even the old people in his hood never saw his face and so one.

At the high levels if you want to conserve the power can't act like a Gotti or a Scarfo.
Dont believe me?

El mayo zambada the real boss of sinaloa live as a simple ranchero in sinaloa,doesn't sleep in the same place for more than a couple of days, and sometimes has to hide in a tent in the countryside to escape the drones of the Americans.

That is the power!