Agreed on Al D'Arco, Phil Leonetti and one name not previously mentioned - Michael di Leonardo.

D'Arco and Leonetti can both legitimately say that they had good reason to fear for their very lives. Amuso and Scarfo were both violent psychopaths leaving a trail of bodies, many of whom did not deserve to be whacked. Even a hardened believer in LCN can understand why they'd do what they did. Leonetti was probably more suspect and self-serving as he waited until after his trial to flip -but on the other hand, nor was he promised anything for flipping and he did it anyway.

DiLeonardo probably didn't have to worry about being killed but in his defence the Gambino borgata at that time was in total disarray. Facing life and being cut off from his earnings, his actions are also understandable and he has been a credible witness. In the Trevor McDonald documentary he likewise, like Caramandi and other rats, seems almost to have regretted flipping. Strikes me as a highly intelligent, complicated man living a life full of sadness and regret. A tragic figure.