Our next biographical subject was an extremely active hoodlum for many years.... Here's your three guesses ok fellas:

1) Though he served a New York borgata as a dedicated mafioso for many decades, and was knee-deep in his underworld craft 101%, he also had the well-earned reputation as being a quiet and respectful man who was extremely well liked by regular folk and all the legitimate people he ever came in contact with. And it would not be a stretch of vocabulary or morally wrong to use words to describe him such as honest, virtuous, kind, honorable, protective of his fellow neighbor, patriotic, and community oriented.

2) Although one of his strengths was calculations and mathematics for running vast gambling rackets, he was a very diversified racketeer who dabbled in many different gritty street rackets over the years, across many different states, and abroad. He wore a white collar and blue collar as well.... he even become "black" collar if his superiors ordered it...the one thing he never had a rep for was fucking around with narcotics though, at least on the surface.

3) Lastly, because he was such a versatile hood, and dealt with top mafiosi for decades at such a high level he was often mistaken for a capo. He was believed to have gotten to "there" at one point, but regardless of his "official" position, this hoodlum handled millions, made millions, and kicked up millions through his lifetime. He was a respected guy for his moneymaking abilities, but also for his integrity and knowledge.

..........WHO IS HE?

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/28/20 03:57 PM.