Originally Posted by Malavita
Gravano was the go-between for Gotti and Scarfo but Gotti wanted to use Joe Butch (Gambino Capo Joseph Corrao) instead.

Scarfo wasn't happy with that so he summoned Gravano to tell him he didn't like that and Scarfo even implied that if Gravano wanted to make a move against Gotti, Scarfo will support him.

That's my understanding.

You hit the nail on the head buddy. Not only that but Scarfo was tight with the Chin and Bobby Manna(who was tasked with whacking John and Gene Gotti). So more than likely it was a plot to get Scarfo to get someone in john's inner circle like Gravano(who Scarfo is close to i.e. Johnny keyes hit) to give Johns timing,routine, location up so John could be whacked.

Last edited by ColonelReb; 10/24/20 12:55 AM.