Originally Posted by Binnie_Coll
majicrat............ yes, the kennedys were the cause of a lot of damage to the mob, joe valachi did a lot more damage to the mob, than anyone wants to admit.

Wiseguys hated that Bobby Kennedy, more than his brother. John was all in all have complacent with the mob. But his brother Bobby became a ballbuster, and went out of his way to hurt guys.

This is after their father old man Joe Kennedy pled to his wiseguy friends to please help swing Illinois and a few other locations in his sons favor at the polling booths. This was said Mohave been pivotal to John Kennedy's taking the WH. The Kennedy boys were told to lay off by their dad afterwards. What did they do? The completely went the other way on Cosa Nostra, and made the Kennedy's #1 target after that. They started the Senate Hearings, the Strike Forces in key cities, the ramped up the Justice Dept., etc.etc...... What the FUCK they had in their stupid minds to even think they could get away with double-banking the bosses we'll never know!

You make a major handshake agreement, you accept all their help. You achieve your goal with their assistance and gain the presidency. Then you spit directly in their faces and renege on that deal? .... as if thats not already way bad enough, you then go out of your way and make a complete 360, and attack them with everything you got?

What there hell did you think was gonna happen? Did these 2 brothers really think the mob would just completely sit back and do nothing? Not seek any revenge on such an important and "do or die" result? At the very height of Cosa Nostra's power in this country you try and completely destroy them? It was a matter of self-survival.

John ended up getting clipped!.... and Bobby thereafter lost all his power, only too be later assassinated himself years later.

The funny part, and the sad part about it all is that it really didn't have to be that way....the rest is consigned to history.