Originally Posted by Dob_Peppino
Originally Posted by NYMafia
Very nice list of their early layout.

The only thing I'd say that Nino Conte, as well as Dave Amodeo and the Scalise brothers were part of, and leaned more toward the Sicilian faction of the Gambino brothers and other Palermo based allies.

When coming up with the list, I tried hardest to keep in line with what (based on the research) the allegiances were during that time, and not so much what we know about certain alliances that happen during the fallout or later in the history. For example, Scalise "could've" been put on either side but my thoughts is that we mostly hear about Anastasia having a large regime. I know alot of guys definitely came under Carlo's umbrella after 1957 but before that, many were with Albert. Like Nino Conte, I've seen things that suggested he was Very close to Anastasia. I could be wrong.

I understand your way of thinking. And I think you're largely correct. After all Frank Scalise was Alberts UB for years, so naturally his brothers fell in line as well. Joe, Jack and John Scalise.

But Antonino Conte and his son Patsy were staunch Sicilians. For that matter so was Dave Amodeo and the Scalise's, Scarpulla, Masotto and those others. As I wrote in Scarpulla's bio that I recently did many were related by blood /marriage as well. They dealt with Albert and respected him as "boss", but he was a Calabrian so in truth although they respected him, he wasn't their first choice to lead. He became leader though sheer force of power and bloodshed (Mangano) of course.

But once he clipped Frank Scalise whatever previous loyalty they had to Anastasia evaporated. At that point ALL Sicilians closed ranks and plotted his elimination. That's how and why Carlo Gambino rose to power.

And all those names I mention above were in solidarity with Gambino and the Palermo faction.

Last edited by NYMafia; 10/11/20 05:57 PM.