Originally Posted by Dob_Peppino
Michael Franzese sure holds Tom Dibella in High regard. If there is more info on him, his time can be analyzed.

In truth Tommy Di Bella was a good guy. Loyal and quiet. A true believer. Remember that Di Bella's dad was an original of this network. Its thought that the father actually headed things before Profaci took over.

By and large Tommy had a "position" on the Brooklyn docks where he held some sway of the Longshoremen's Union. He took an early pinch or two for bootlegging. Thats how far back he went. Lol...He was a very, very low key mafioso, thats why he was placed as a figurehead on top in the first place. He was only a soldier for many decades. In Persico's crew no less. Di Bella was propped up as a chair holder for Junior while Persico finished up his hijacking bit.

Very capable, but he wasn't thrilled to hold the top spot for long. It wasn't really his thing.