The proof is in the pudding as they say... Ralph you say that you known them, If that is true then this is as easy enough fix.

I don't know how old you are, but if you were old enough to have been around when Lansky died, and you have been close enough to have seen his daughter and sons, and nephews and nieces, and grandchildren, live like kings and queens with no explanation of wealth?? Then there ya go!

More than likely they are enjoying Lansky's illicit cash. (Unless they made tons of money in their own right that you know about, which I doubt).

We KNOW Jake had solid money. He saved and saved. And I'm sure he did well financially with his brother. But Meyer should have done much better right??

So look at "Meyers family lineage", not Jake's and see how they are living today. Not simply a house, or a condo. BUT LARGE!

Because one things for sure, they ain't ALL gonna hide their money. If they have it they will flaunt it. They are NOT subject to the government, etc.

Thats the best any of us can do for an answer I'd imagine. Do you agree?

Last edited by NYMafia; 09/02/20 08:40 AM.