Originally Posted by Friend_of_Henry
Obviously you folks are very well informed. Thus you may know if Dominic "Moosey" Caputo was part of this family. I do not.
Moosey worked at The Jungle Inn out side of Hubbard,Ohio and somehow had a Federal Gaming Stamp that they operated under.
When The Jungle Inn was raided and closed down in the late 40s by the governor for liquor violations and not for illegal gaming.
Dominic and his Gaming Stamp moved to The Jockey Club in Chester, W Va. A John LaRocca enterprise operated by Jo Jo Pecora.
Jo Jo took a Federal fall but not for illegal gaming but for traveling across state lines to operate casino gambling. Go figure?

I do not know of any connection between Dom Caputo and Carlo Caputo. Gotta understand that the surname Caputo is a fairly common last name to the Italian people. Not quite as common as a Russo, Lombardo, Caruso, Rizzo, etc., but it's up there. Not as rare a name such as a Profaci, Borruso, or Buccellato, etc. that would typically point to a connection per se.

Also the States as not even close to each other. It's like the other side of the moon in a sense.

This Carlo Caputo, as well as his "crew" were really an enigma, even among other very small borgatas. Generally even the small crews had 20, 25, 30, 35 men.

The whole Caputo Family had like 8, 10, 12..... really crazy when you think about it. We have single crews in NYC that literally dwarf the entire Madison "Family" lol