Interesting factoid of the day: Andrew Campos who is a reputed member of the Gambino Family and has a pending racketeering case that is stalled right now because of Covid and has been on strict home confinement conditions since he was released on bail back in December is seeking a lessening of those restrictions to nighttime curfew. I'll have more on that later.

But back in 2004 when he was indicted on another case, the government made up an alias for him, calling him "Andrew Campo" because the "s" in his last name didn't quite fit with the Italian organized crime image (aka his name didn't end in a vowel) and even made up a story about his background being investigated by Gambino members before Campos was able to become a "made" member which was a story picked up by all the media outlets.

His lawyers fought that and while the judge at the time didn't remove it from the indictment, he did make sure it wouldn't be said in front of the jury if it had gone to trial and if the government proved it existed. That case didn't go to trial. However, it's an extremely convoluted case where the govt ended up dismissing all but two of the counts and all which they fought extremely hard to keep on the indictment in pretrial hearings. And there are a lot of interesting parallels in regards to the govt's tactics then and the tactics being used now. More on that later also.

And just FYI, in current indictment, there is no "Andrew Campo" alias so it probably never existed.

Attached Files campos name.JPGcampos2004indictment.JPGcampos 2004- prejudicial language.JPGcampo2004header.JPGcampos2004dismiss.JPG