Originally Posted by WhackWhack
Patsy Conte

He did some time but he blended the streets with legit business. Was also a huge H dealer, Galante level. Gotti ordered him to restart his H pipeline because it made so much.

You are VERY correct. I knew Patsy and his family. His father was a "Zip" mafioso before him. The dad was originally in the retail meat business owning butcher shops all through Queens and Brooklyn. That's where Patsy learned the trade. They were called Conte Meats. He later expanded into a supermarket chain of course. VERY SHARP guy. Big "babania" guy too.

He basically only hung around with other zips. He fell in the 80's but previous to that many people (even wise guys) didn't know he was connected.

Patsy's father and Gambino soldier Louie DiBono's dad were both mafiosi and "compare". very close!