Originally Posted by Tonytough
Was just reading an old book- and have never heard anyone discuss this over the years. Book is called Breaking the mob written by Frank Friel/ chief investigator who investigated the Philly mob

He said they had a wiretapped call between Salvi and Scarfo- I think it was when Scarfo was inside La Tuna or when he was just released, and Salvi was complaining that Chuckie ‘was an asshole and not looking after business and a drunk’

That’s what made Scarfo turn against Salvie- well one of the many reasons

We’ve discussed how Chuckie felt disrespected over Maria but this was also a huge factor. You do not call your soon to be father in law and underboss an asshole

Scarfo also took offence because this was before Chuckie was always drunk and embarrassing the family, especially when they were at that sit down with NY- and Scarfo made a play for one of the girlfriends

That’s when he was taken down not long after

But prior to that, Nicky took offence because it’s like Salvie was questioning the way Scarfo was not in control of his underboss

I don’t think Salvie meant it that way but because Nicky was super paranoid, he would have taken it the wrong way.

Just like the time when a soldier told Scarfo (out of good faith that Blackie was getting too old and that Patty Specs) was a lot more capable for the role

It was good advice, but Scarfo immediately took offence and said to Phil this guy is getting too big for his britches

Great book. Just finished it last week. Yeah apparently Pat The Cat told Scarfo that Patty Specs would make a good Capo of the North Jersey crew. Scarfo said "Maybe we should put suggestion cards on the table like the ones they have in restaurants." Spirito didn't last too long after that.