I would probably remove the Real IRA from the list. Since merging with other splinter groups a number of years ago they are now called the New IRA, very original...

However they are small scale in the grand scheme of things. They are reputed to tax dealers in only a handful of areas in N Ireland in which they are strong enough. Hell, they tried the same in Dublin and that went terrible.

Other than that they are small time fuel and cigarette smugglers. I imagine their only international contacts and interests revolve around acquiring weapons.

The Provisional IRA are still the major force in Ireland. Even though there have been numerous splits and rival republican groups over the years, the PIRA always have and would still represent 80/90 % of the republican movement in moderns times. They have strength in numbers, and have retained quite a number of side arms, although because of the peace process and the political tightrope Sinn Fein have to tread, they can do very little with the power they have which has lead to an increase in petty crime and drug dealing in traditional republican areas.

The only major transnational crime group operating in Ireland at the minute would be the Kinahan led drug group.