We have already discussed opinions on who is the most vile mobster and a few other categories but here's another very interesting question for you;

In the opinion of forum members who were the most successful but low-key, quiet mafiosi to operate of the Five Families?


1) The picks can ONLY be from the traditional FIVE FAMILIES (I know some would like to include outside crews but there were so many thousands to pick from NYC that I thought that was enough)

2) The choice doesn't have to be someone who was such a "sleeper" that he never even got pinched or never did a bid because if that is that case we wouldn't even be aware of true 100% sleepers (they're names would NOT be known). Only guys that haven't been revolving doors in and out of jail and were for the most part low-key and generally little known who kept more to the shadows.

3) Mafiosi who were VERY financial successful. I don't mean guys who only eeked out a living or were moderately successful. But fellows from the Five Families who were known to have made a lot of cash! and either didn't ever go to jail at all, or in the alternative only did maybe 1 prison term (and the bid they did wasn't 10-20 years inside).

4) MOST OF ALL: mafiosi and their top guys who you could look at and say "if I was gonna be a wiseguy" THATS a guy I'd wanna emulate! ..... money, assets, businesses, mostly kept his head low, didn't get shot up or repeatedly jailed, lived a long and prosperous lifestyle, etc, etc..... you get the idea right fellas?

5) He could be a guy thats still alive, or he could be a guy who passed away. Doesn't matter! But the criteria above do!!

6) IMPORTANT CRITERIA: the choices can ONLY BE FROM THE SOLDIER RANK. Not capos, consigliere, underbosses, or Bosses. Why? Because above the soldier rank I think already you're typically on front street with both the FBI, newspapers, and general public. Also because forum members always look at the top guys. Well known at the top ranks... I was curious to see who at the lower levels, the little known SOLDIERS that forum members feel were among the categories I described.

7) And lastly, each forum member can pick (4) FOUR CHOICES: the reason being that I know there are thousands of mafiosi to close from so I wanted to be generous about it....BUT I DON'T want see the Jerry Catena's, Frank Tieri's, of Tommy Gambino's because although guys like that could fit into some of these profiles, they were NOT low-profile- guy or Sleepers per se. They were "household names" and bosses well known to the public

............ONLY SOLDIERS!


PS: I don't know if it helps, but if anybody blanks out on choices on our Buttonguys website we have over 350 profiles of various guys. Of course through the various era in NYC there were literally thousands of guys to pic from..... I'm curious to hear your thoughts on the subject.

Last edited by NYMafia; 08/13/20 09:11 AM.