Camorra, the map of the clans district by district and the ongoing feuds
A "changing and heterogeneous" criminal scenario. This is how Antimafia presents the Camorra situation in Naples in its latest semi-annual report (from July to December 2019). On the one hand, in fact, there are the "violent and uncontrolled" dynamics of young people eager to be protagonists, on the other the "remodeling of the balance between the historical clans", also a consequence of law enforcement operations which in many cases have weakened and forced into new alliances.

The advances of the Dia: emerging groups at the service of historical clans

Central area of ​​the city
In the city center, the Antimafia report speaks of "criminal effervescence", that is, of a plurality of groups that compete for the monopoly on the illicit trafficking of the reference district, in a "fluid and continuous alternation of alliances". These groups often legitimize themselves for the presence in the organization chart of some young members of historical Camorra families. The affirmation on the territory takes place through actions of fire that sometimes become made of blood. A "low-ranking" Camorra, where instead the historical clans are very active in the recycling and reuse of the accumulated patrimony, "limiting themselves to receiving shares from the aforementioned low-ranking groups, subordinated to them".

Between Forcella , Maddalena , Tribunali and Decumani, there is still a situation of heated antagonism between the Sibillo clan (what remains of the "paranza dei bambini") - in a sign which also includes the Giuliano, Amirante and Brunetti - and the historian Mazzarella clan supported by Buonerba (the so-called "barbudos"). The latter in Forcella are in difficulty due to the attempt to assert a splinter group of the Giuliano clan, the Vicorito-De Martino clan of Borgo Sant'Antonio, also known as "the Paranza dei Vicoli", supported by the Contini and Saltalamacchia of the Districts Spagnoli.

In the Mercato and Case Nuove areas , the operations of the Mazzarella clan are confirmed through a satellite group, the Cuomos, which seems to have taken over from the Caldarelli clan, no longer believed to be a reliable ally by Mazzarella themselves due to contacts with the enemy group of the Rinaldi.

In Poggioreale there remains the historic dispute between the Contini and Mazzarella clans for the control and management of illegal activities, while the Contini are in control of the area of ​​the Rione Sant'Alfonso and via Stadera. According to Antimafia, the Contini, also linked by family ties to Bosti, Licciardi and Mallardo, remain one of the most powerful and structured criminal partnerships, which keeps under control Secondigliano, Vasto, Arenaccia, Ferrovia, San Carlo Arena, the districts of Friendship and Sant 'Alfonso and Borgo Sant'Antonio Abate.

Their sources of profit are diversified, ranging from international drug trafficking to money laundering, to the reinvestment of illicit capital in numerous corporate production activities. A group belonging to the clan had, moreover, devised and implemented a system of scams against the elderly that crossed the regional and national borders, guaranteeing huge economic revenues to the Vasto association.

In the Spanish Quarters , the criminal dynamics remain - explains the Dia report - "deeply unstable due to numerous excellent releases". The oppositions are between the Saltalamacchia families, federated with the Ricci and Esposito groups, and the Mariano and Masiello clans. The Saltalamacchia continue to have relationships with the Lepre-Cianciulli del Cavone and De Martino-Vicorito di Forcella groups, while the Masiello family has recently shown an opening and contiguity with the Mazzarella clan, which in the area is already solid relations with the Marianos.

In the " Seat of Porto " - territory that extends from via Mezzocannone at Via Marina and Via Toledo, as well as the area between Santa Clara and Piazza Bovio - are active Trongone clan loyal to the Mariano clan, and Prinno, linked to Mazzarella, who contend for the management of numerous drug-dealing squares and extortion to the detriment of traders and entrepreneurs in the area.

The area of ​​the Port of Naples (nerve center for drug trafficking, counterfeit goods and other illegal activities) is controlled by the Montescuro, a hegemonic group in the Sant'Erasmo district. The elderly regent - writes Antimafia - "is considered a person of considerable criminal charisma who, for at least twenty years, would have played the role of mediator in the controversies that arose between the various Camorra organizations". It was through documented investigations "the ability of the Montescuro clan to infiltrate the production fabric with a significant recycling activity", this through "a sort of perverse dependence" induced by the same entrepreneurs subjected to extortion.

In the district Health , however, there has long been a clash going on between different local groups and others who want to expand into Secondigliano. Numerous recent arrests have altered the structure in the neighborhood, with top elements of the Mauro finished in handcuffs. The latter clan is present in the so-called area of ​​the Miracles and federated to the Vastarella. A possible return of the Sequino-Savarese antagonists, also supported by the Mazzarella family, is presumed.

In the area between the San Ferdinando , Chiaia and Posillipo districtsinstead the Elia clan is strong, originally from the Pallonetto Santa Lucia area, whose survivors reorganized under the guidance of the Nocerino family, who supported the agreement with the Saltalamacchia association of the Spanish Quarters. In the alleys close to the Riviera di Chiaia the control belongs to the Strazzullo group with the Piccirillo and Cirella groups operating, while in the Torretta area, the return to freedom of some top representatives of the Frizziero clan and the support of the partnership by the Mazzarella family would suggest a resumption of criminal activities. Finally, the Innocenti group operates in the Salita Vetreria area and the presence of the Calone clan is confirmed in Posillipo.

Camorra, the map of the clans district by district and the ongoing feuds
Northern area
The northern area of ​​Naples (districts Vomero and Arenella, Secondigliano, Scampia, San Pietro a Patierno, Miano, Piscinola, Chiaiano) sees criminal dynamics in continuous remodulation for the disintegration of some historical clans, in particular the Lo Russo di Miano, and the downsizing of the Vanella-Grassi and Amato-Pagano partnerships. Two historical associations remain strong, represented by the Di Lauro and Licciardi (also affected by numerous arrests). The Di Lauro family can count on the leadership of the association by the children of the clan founder, with activities always oriented towards drug trafficking and money laundering.

In the Scampia district , some of the most profitable squares in the entire area continue to be managed by convicts linked to the so-called Vanella-Grassi clan. This, organ of its main representatives, appears "in operational difficulty, having lost the connotation of a strong criminal group and with its own autonomy in the territory of Secondigliano and surrounding areas".

The Grimaldi group (linked to the Licciardi clan) is active in San Pietro a Patierno , which is in fact de-authorizing the partnership of Vanella-Grassi, generating tensions also towards other clans. It is precisely the weakness of the Vanella-Grassi clan that determines an attempt to return to Secondigliano and Scampia of the Amato-Pagano clan, ousted at the time of the third feud of Scampia. The Amato-Pagano have signed agreements with the Abete and Abbinante groups, significantly affected by numerous precautionary measures, and with the Notturno group.

In via Limitone di Arzano, in the area of ​​the so - called Celestial Houses , the operations of the Marino family remain, which draws economic resources from the thriving piazza. Other criminal groups operate in the area, such as the Cesarano family in the Kennedy district, the Carella family in the Berlingieri district, the Maione in the Perrone and Rispoli in the so-called Largo Macello area.

The other powerful partnership, with influence throughout the Secondigliano district , is the Licciardi clan of Masseria Cardone, whose top role is played by the sister of the deceased founder of the clan. A group with different criminal interests, oriented "not only in the management of traffic and drug dealing but also in other contexts, such as the control of the counterfeiting chain and large production segments".

As far as Miano , Marianella and Piscinola are concerned , the arrest of numerous affiliates of the Lo Russo clan and the path of collaboration undertaken by some founding members of the partnership have strengthened the expansionist aims of the neighboring Licciardi clan and the affirmation of criminal groups the territory is divided.

The Cifrone group operates in the so-called ' Ncopp Miano ' area, in synergy with the Perfetto (related to the Lo Russo), in the ' Abbasc Miano ' area the Balzano, Scarpellini and D'Errico families are active. All elements of the "galaxy of the Lo Russo clan and today protagonists of a violent opposition".

The Stabile group linked to the Licciardi clan remains in Chiaiano .

In the Vomero and Arenella districts , the absence of the historical leaders and numerous affiliates of the Cimmino and Caiazzo clans led to the attempt by other members of the association - including the Stabile clan - aimed at controlling illegal activities in the of the hospital area.
Camorra, the map of the clans district by district and the ongoing feuds
Eastern area
The eastern city area (Ponticelli, San Giovanni a Teduccio, Barra) remains characterized by the historical clash between the Mazzarella family - which has its stronghold in Poggioreale, in the Luzzatti district - and the Rinaldi of the Villa district

The contribution of the collaborators of justice has allowed investigators to acquire further elements on the network of alliances woven by the two factions fighting in San Giovanni a Teduccio , which also extend into the city center and the province.

On the one hand, for the Rinaldi, we find the Rinaldi-Reale and the Silenzio (located in via Taverna del Ferro, formerly linked to the Formicola), to which the Minichini-Schisa-De Luca Bossa di Ponticelli families are federated, the Cuccaro sign- Aprea di Barra and the Sibillos of the central area of ​​the Decumani.

On the opposite front, alongside the historic Mazzarella clan, in addition to the aforementioned partnerships in the historic center (Buonerba in via Oronzo Costa, Sequino and Savarese della Sanità), the D'Amico groups from the Villa district, Montescuro di Sant'Erasmo, the Luongo of San Giorgio a Cremano, the De Bernardo of Somma Vesuviana and the Formicola of San Giovanni a Teduccio. Just the rapprochement of the Formicola group with the Mazzarella clan - reconciled after a phase of their approach to the Rinaldi clan - determined a further fluidity of the balance in the area

In the Ponticelli district , the deflagration of the De Micco clan and the operational weakening of the adversary D'Amico clan have contributed to making the area fertile ground for other groups united in a single cartel, namely the Minichini-Schisa-De Luca Bossa families, currently the most structured group on the whole neighborhood. The De Martino family, loyal to the De Micco family, contrasts with them, while in particular in the Luzzatti district the strong roots of the Casella family (ex Sarno) are confirmed.

In Barra the hegemony of the Cuccaro-Aprea clan remains, whose current regency would have made a series of alliances with the clans of the neighboring districts of San Giovanni and Ponticelli, respectively, with the Rinaledi-Reale-Silenzio and De Luca Bossa-Minichini -Schisa.

Camorra, the map of the clans district by district and the ongoing feuds
Western area
In the western area of ​​Naples (therefore Pianura, Fuorigrotta, Bagnoli, Soccavo, Rione Traiano) the fragmentation of the criminal groups is particularly evident and this has determined continuous clashes for the control of the squares and extortion. "The rise of second-rate figures who grew up within their respective clans - announced Dia - seems to have ensured, in some cases, continuity in the management of illegal activities; in other cases it has given rise to new Camorra formations".

In Pianura on one side the Pesce-Marfella and on the other the Apples, see their top structures heavily eroded by the arrests.

In the Soccavo district , the Vigilia clan is currently entrusted to second-rate figures, while in the lower part of the neighborhood, the so-called "99", recent releases have led to a resumption of the opposing Sorianiello group.

The Rione Traiano is also divided. The Cutolos in the lower area (the so-called "44"), and the Puccinelli clan in the upper part of the district. The former, allies with the Sorianiello di Soccavo, have also recently "conquered" drug-dealing squares also in the upper area.

In Bagnoli , Agnano and Cavalleggeri d'Aosta , the almost total absence of elements belonging to the historic D'Ausilio and Sorprendente clans, allowed the recovery of the Esposito group, mainly active in the Bagnoli district.

In Fuorigrotta, however, control of the drug squares and the parking racket remains the prerogative of the Iadonisi groups in the Lauro and Cesi districts, which alternate alliances with moments of conflict.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"