Originally Posted by FriendoftheFamily
Thanks Lou_Para for jumping in

Nice to have another person around on this...

FOH has a much higher association in Pittsburgh than I had. I had a much higher association in the Cleveland, Akron, Canton, and to some extent in Youngstown (let just say different but the same).

Youngstown was always different - it had a different feel depending on which decade you are talking about. No sense in trying to recap Youngstown here - I don't have that kind of time.

I am so busy in Chicago anymore with what goes on there - I don't have the time to debate and discuss the old days of 40+ years ago interactions.

Glad to do it.
What's right is right.
If these guys wanna talk trash,then they should do their research,talk to the "right" people, (if they know any,which I doubt) , then come on the boards. Don't rehash stuff. or rely on juvenile attacks.