"The territory of the Basilicata region, although far from the danger levels in place in other regions, nevertheless presents fearsome indigenous formations in the process of recompaction and reorganization as well as evidence of permeability by the criminal consortia of the neighboring regions".

Lucanian organized crime is evolving in an increasingly structured way, trying to infiltrate the local economy through conduct of corruption towards politicians, public officials and compliant entrepreneurs, or through the act of intimidating.

From Vulture to Metapontino, from Potenza to Matera, Basilicata presents a worrying picture that requires rapid and concrete interventions.

There are continuous attempts to register new players, the traffic in drugs is increasing, which is influenced by the territorial proximity to the Calabrian, Apulian and Campania organizations.

There is a criminal conduct made of methods and organizational structures presumably reproduced by those of the Calabrian groups of the Ndrangheta and which can count on a great availability of weapons and economic resources.

The Lucani clans of today have a strong aptitude to reinvest the illicit proceeds in apparently lawful economic activities, control the territory with acts of force (even striking), threaten journalists who beak into their business through investigations, with internal and external disputes with high groups operating on the same territory, resulting in attempted murders, assaults, and shootings.

"The king is dead, long live the king!"