We just screened all 6 over Christmas and it is as good now as ever - it's just the technology that looks old and no one is staring into their phone all the time. What a great series (we couldn't make it all the way thru the Wire again and I loved that). As a prequel to the Sopranos we screened the Irishman, the GF trilogy, Goodfellas, Casino and the Irishman again. It was a great Christmas!!

Whatever Chase said there was no good way to end this series - you couldn't have Tony killed, he couldn't go to jail but it had to end - it was done - S6 was too long and lumbered. The fade to black was a McGuffin. This was the best way and served to underline the pressure our hero was living under; Carlo had flipped, Tony, Sil and Bobby were all dead and Paulie was about as useful as an ashtray on a motorbike in anything other than an earning role. Tony junior had just tried to off himself and Meadow was looking for half a brick for her wedding - so what's new? No one knew they planned to go to Holsten's and Tony was pretty relaxed with AJ over their menus and planning a steak. Phil was gone but their remained the potential of a double cross but he knew the second in commands couldn't organize a drunk in a beer pub and it all might have been a double-double cross anyway by little Carmine but Tony figured he was too deep into his movies and besides, a wimp. Meadow's parking was just to ramp up the tension. A normal day in T's life. So I like to think he is still out there somewhere doing what does best.