The demand for cocaine in Europe is high, it’s a more social, aka high society. I am no European but it’s graspable to believe that one Southern Italian Society is leading the way. It wouldn’t be surprising if its a result of joint venture between all Southern Italian Societies (CN, Camorra, Ndrangheta, Sacra, maybe even Stidda). The Calabrese seem to be the experts in the Yayo and its subsidiaries . Lastly, the unknown of rarely spoken (P2, Church, Rome/Politics). It’s a neat opportunity to see how what they call in Italy “Mafia” all controlling hand in action. Through this, it wouldn’t surprise if Europe is liberal, but progressive enough to legalize blow. Maybe the Orange can get it done, they set the trend is legal pot.

Whatever agreements where made after/before/during Rizzuto jail, are/where at the heart of what is transpiring. Thankfully for those involved the Secret part of the Society will eventually keep them safe.

Last edited by MolochioInduced; 12/20/19 12:03 AM.

In Sicily, women are more dangerous than the shotgun.