He was wrong more than seven years ago. His theory, which he presented as fact, is still wrong now.

Just before the epilogue to Mafia inc. was published in September 2011, co-author André Cédilot and one French-language Quebec media channel were rushing to let us know -- especially in light of the attempted murder of Raynald Desjardins that happened at the time -- that the Papalia, Musitano, and Luppino crime groups in the Hamilton area were collaborating and responsible for the decimation of the Rizzuto group (that had been in control of the Montreal Mafia for more than 33 years at that point). Recall, as well, that the Hamilton-area crime groups were (mis)identified by Cédilot and the media channel as 'ndrangheta clans.

Some of us had always known before then that, very often, those Hamilton-area crime groups did not always get along and very often couldn't stand one another. Hate is not too strong a word to describe how they each felt toward one another.

Now of course there is some evidence that Giacomo Luppino's own sons may not have been inducted into the 'ndrangheta, not to mention the revelations that grandson Domenico Violi is a made member of an American La Cosa Nostra family with Sicilian roots -- just as his father, Paolo, was -- and that Giuseppe Violi was headed toward becoming a made member of either the Buffalo Family or the Bonanno Family, the latter another American LCN family with Sicilian roots. Why is there doubt that Pat and Angelo Musitano were made into the 'ndrangheta? Were they even made men when they plotted the murders of Buffalo Family members Johnny Pops and Carm Barillaro (both of whom had Calabrian ancestry)? Were Domenico Musitano and brother Tony accountable to the 'ndrangheta clan back in Italy, whereas Pat and Angelo were accountable to a non-'ndrangheta crime group in Canada?

Hollander, as hard as you may try to convince us of the supremacy of the 'ndrangheta in Canada and the United States -- and you try a lot -- we forum posters are not dumb. The 10th anniversary of Nick Rizzuto Jr.'s murder is coming up, and the 'ndrangheta still hasn't been able to take over the Montreal Mafia after 10 years of trying -- 15 years if you count back to Vito Rizzuto's arrest in January 2004. The more recent the information is -- and more information is coming out -- the more I see that the 'ndrangheta was not ever trying to wrest control of the Montreal Mafia.

Over the years I have gone back and forth a number of times regarding whether the Greater Toronto Area Siderno Group was still on friendly terms with the higher-ups in the Rizzuto organization (Vito, Nick Sr., Arcadi, Sollecito, and Renda) after Vito's arrest in early 2004. For a while I had subscribed to the theory that some GTA Siderno Group clans were pro-Vito while some were anti-Vito. Then I changed my opinion and thought the GTA Siderno Group was acting as one man. Now I have gone back to the first theory.

Daniel Renaud's November 2018 book reveals that when the imprisoned Rizzuto was questioned by Quebec investigators at the ADX Florence in Colorado about whether criminals in Ontario had any involvement in in the murders and mayhem in Quebec, Rizzuto answered no. Was Rizzuto telling the truth? Maybe. Maybe not. When I see on social media that the wife of the GTA-based Cosimo Commisso is Facebook friends with a first cousin of Rizzuto's wife, you form impressions different from the ones you formed when you had previously read that Rizzuto had on his list of people to be targeted for murder a number of members of the Commisso family in Ontario.

The revelations uncovered this year by the Project Sindacato investigation here in Canada and the parallel Canadian 'ndrangheta Connection investigation in Italy may or may not have confirmed that there are obviously some criminal clans in the GTA Siderno Group that are at odds with one another over continued criminal ties to the Rizzuto loyalists in the Montreal area. Since approximately 2014 or 2015, we have all read about the internal dissent in the Siderno Group that has manifested in violence, and I have tried to argue that the schism dates back to August 2008 after Giuseppe Coluccio was arrested here the previous month, leading to his replacement as capocrimine of the camera di controllo by none other than Angelino Figliomeni.

If you closely follow these matters and are a true student of Italian organized crime in Canada and the US, you will have well-researched opinions and will propose theories that are grounded in fact, regardless of where you live in this world. The problem, as I see it, is that many posters, organized-crime reporters, organized-crime authors, and even law-enforcement personnel seem to dismiss the importance of the politics regarding the interactions of the various mafie in Canada and the US. You can't conduct illegal activities in another secret society's territory here just because you're an 'ndranghetista. You can't kill a made guy in another secret society here just because you're an 'ndranghetista. As influential and powerful as Domenico Violi was believed to be in Ontario's underworld going back to, let's say, in 2005, we now know that he didn't become a made man in the Buffalo Family till January 2015; so there would be serious consequences for him, his brother, and anyone else not made -- not to mention consequences for made guys who didn't get permission -- if they were directly or indirectly involved in the high-profile murders in Quebec from late 2009 to November 2010.