Originally Posted by majicrat
I suppose we could drop names and say they have interests , however, I still don't believe nor did anyone state any specifics to support activity being prevalent down the shore. Cheech, I was told by a friend that Taccetta is NOT down the shore and is in the Springfield/Summit area most days as he sees him around quite often. As far as the Perna's having interests, depends on your definition of interest. Again, the shore is not what it was in the past as far as mob activity goes. Like almost all locations outside major metropolitan areas activity is a shell of what is was (pre 90's) and it wont be coming back. Just the way it is.

Multiple weekly card games kicking up, drugs, a half dozen or so book’s(one of which is fairly substantial) and a few massage parlor’s. Nobody said that Jersey or anywhere else will EVER be like it was in the old days. Somebody asked a question and I gave an honest answer. Some of you guys on here ask for specifics like we should be helping the cops indict people. You might notice that I don’t have a nickname or some goofy avatar on here. It’s the first initial of my first name and the beginning of my last name. I did time with a dozen or so of the guys routinely talked about on here from Pa, Nj and NYC and the last thing I’m ever going to do is speak about specifics that aren’t public knowledge for people who may be loosely connected to some of the people talked about. I still speak to a few of them on Corrlinks and on IG. Guys like Bobby Manna, Cassesse(I fucking never spell’s Mikes mane right), Rago, Tranquillo, Desciscio and Dota. I would never, ever put something out there that would put someone in harms way. I apologize for the rant but sometimes people in here forget that these are real people sitting behind bars or dead. It’s not a fucking movie.